Ashley has been there for me through so many BIG and small moments in my life. She lives in a different town now and has been blessed with 5 amazing children (4 girls and a boy), all of which keep her very busy. Even though we don't see each other that often, we talk to each other every week.
No one understands me and my crazy family better; no one (except Bret) knows all my flaws and loves me anyway; no one else can I speak so openly to without judgement; and no one else knows how badly I want to be a mother. Ashley, thank you for being such a great friend and a great example of what a devoted and loving mother looks like behind-the-scenes.
Ashley and her girls celebrate our LONG WAIT on the wait list, Amharic style:
There it is folks, we've been waiting 12 LONG MONTHS.
Thankfully there have been referrals since the last time I blogged. Two of my wait list buddies got their referrals this week! I am happy that the wait for them to see their son's faces is finally over! I am hopeful that our wait will be over soon too.