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Monday, September 19, 2011

Tenth Month Waiting

Last week our agency announced in their weekly update that they are still within their projected wait times for referrals. We were told when we signed up with Children's Hope International (CHI) that the average wait time for a female 0-12 months old was a 7-11 month wait time. I pray they're right because that would mean that our referral is getting close because TODAY marks our 10th month waiting. YEAH!!!

Two of our favorite people, Aunt Vivi and Uncle Jim celebrated our 10th month waiting on a recent trip to Louisville. Both Vivian and Jim have been so supportive of our adoption, we are forever thankful for their love and support throughout the process.

This picture was taken in Costco ~ they're brave souls.

I also wanted to share this extra special gift Aunt Vivi recently gave us to celebrate our adoption. She purchased it at August House Studio in Chicago which hosts the annual Dumela Contemporary African Art Show in her local neighborhood. The artwork comes from Africa and is created by African artists (this piece was hand painted by an artist from Ghana).  We are in love with this painting, it reminds us of HER and her birth mother, it's beautifully done and warms our hearts, we'll treasure it always! Thank You Aunt Vivi!

Last Friday marked 3 months with no referrals given out from our agency. GEEZ! Talk about challenging! Our patience have been tested BUT we are in a good place (emotionally speaking - at least for now anyways) and hopeful all this waiting will result in us seeing our little girl's face sooner than later.

Please join us in praying for the CHI Staff and everyone involved with Ethiopian adoptions, the orphans waiting to be referred and matched, their birth families, and all the other waiting families across the world longing to have their children in their arms forever. It's a hard battle to fight but worth every stresser and heartache encountered along the way.

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